Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Let the good times roll

I got to talk to my sis Marci on Saturday, which was her birthday! We talked for almost 2 hours... I have been telling everyone that it's like we have known each other our whole lives and haven't skipped a day. She is very easy to talk too, and I was only a little bit nervous.

The weird thing is that though we lived on opposite ends of the country, we had very similar childhoods. It's disturbing actually.

While I was talking to my sis, and told her about some of the things our mother had said that she had said, Marci told me that after our mother left California ( when she met Marci), she didn't speak to her again. I suddenly remembered the egg donor mentioning that Marci's mom had written her at least once and that was around the time she was telling me that Marci had said some horrible stuff about me. She also accused me of saying horrible stuff to Marci.

It sounds like to me that we were both sabotaged by our mothers. But why? Probably jealousy, and the need to be in control- they both have issues with being control freaks.

My brother Ben asked me if knowing all of that made me angry because our mother was to blame for the 10 years Marci and I missed out on. Sure, I'm a bit pissed about it, but I told Ben that it doesn't even come close to the joy that I have in me right now. I'm just smiling like an idiot when I think of Ben and I reconnecting with Marci, and I am looking forward to the day that the 3 of us can meet and visit.

Ben, Marci and I are a bunch of goofs, we all like to have fun and cut up, so when we do meet it's going to be a face and stomach hurting couple of days... from laughing so much. I can't wait.

I really do feel like that part of me that was missing is now whole. I just wished that we all lived closer. :)


Jill said...

Hey Mert... It's Jill from Coo-Coo. I'm back from my hiatus and have a new home: http://charmingdelightful.blogspot.com/

Sounds like you have had an eventful last few weeks. Can't wait to get caught up.

Holly Schwendiman said...

It's nice to hear that things are going well. I feel so blessed to have such great birthmoms in my life and that of my kids. I love that they know each other and there's a connection for all of us.


Not So Anonymous Michelle said...

It's so awesome that you feel more complete now that you and Marci are talking. It's too bad you don't live closer but I've found that doesn't always seem to matter too much! ;)

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you - this is just awesome!

Anonymous said...

Mert that is GREAT! I'm happy for you. I never had a sister so I'm not really sure what you feel but I'm sure it is awesome !

Anonymous said...

aww that is so awesome!! congradulations and i think that is so sweet cheezy and sappy or not;)

Jennfactor 10 said...

I'm glad she recognized the gift she's been given (back), sister!

Ash said...

I'm glad it's finally going ok for you guys :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the good news! :) Hopefully your relationship will just get stronger and stronger!

crse said...

Im so happy for you sweetie. The egg donors will never be able to take it away from you again.

Karianne said...

I'm so happy for you all.

Marci said...

Hey sis.. there is nothing cheezy about it cause I feel the same way with you and Ben. I have missed you two so much.
Love you bunches and bunches and can not wait to see you. Big hug, cheezy grin and smooches.
Your sis,