Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas

To all of my readers and
friends in the blogoshpere,

I am wishing you a happy,
healthy, and beautiful Christmas!

I hope your holidays are
filled with joy and peace,

and that you are
surrounded by the ones you love.

*"The Virgin With Angels" was painted by William-Adolphe Bouguereau in 1900.


K said...

Happy Holidays!!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Mert

willowtree said...

We hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and Healthy New Year.

From WT, MDW and the furries.

(Sorry it's not personalised, but if I wrote individual greetings to everyone I'd miss out on Christmas Lunch, and you know I'm not going to let that happen.)

Karianne said...

Hi Mert, I just read the post about the wounds and I'm so sorry. You poor thing. Stress! What would we do without it? Hope that everything went well and that you are healing and that you choked down the turkey with grace.