Wednesday, March 21, 2007

This is so embarrassing.

Please scroll down for Wordless Wednesday.

Ummm, I don't know quite how to put this... it's so humiliating. There is something seriously wrong with me. It makes me feel like less of a woman. *sniff*

I know that my husband reads my blog, but here it goes.

I have lost my desire, the desire for...


I know, I know! I should seek help immediately! I don't know if it's because of recent illnesses like colds and a sinus infection I am getting over, I don't understand it! Actually, my desire for Chocolate has been on the gradual decline. My husband experienced a lack of desire for sweets starting about 5 years ago, so technically I am 2 years late.

Is this common? Has anyone else noticed the loss of attraction to Chocolate as they have gotten older? Weird. I feel so empty, yet relieved. *snort* It's bizarre, I haven't really bought any Chocolate in about 2 months- except for some Butter Fingers I bought to keep my salty pop corn company when we saw 300 a few weeks ago.

I have never really been big on candy and dessert unless it contained some form of chocolate... so this could be a good thing. I have a chance to actually lose some weight now.

Is my love affair with Chocolate finally over? Maybe I need to go see a therapist, I wonder if Dr. Ruth is available?

Dr. Baby Ruth, that is. ;)

BTW, is anyone else having problems with their yahoo email account? My is going ape-poop right now. :(


Not So Anonymous Michelle said...

Seek help immediately, or bottle and sell whatever it is that stopped the chocolate affair, you'll be a millionaire and I will be your first customer!

Unknown said...

We should start a 'Down with Chocolate' campaign! Or is it a 'protest'? Here's hoping your aversion to chocolate is contagious because I've been inhaling it like crazy lately! Good for the taste buds...bad for the hips! :)

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever lose interest in chocolate or all desserts for that matter.

And yes, my yahoo email is sooooo slow. It even freezes up on me at times.

Anonymous said...

Send me some of that dislike this way, please - maybe I could lose weight then.

I think you are lucky.

Slackermommy said...

If I lost my desire for chocolate I'd fear that something was terribly wrong with me. I crave it more the older I get.

Yoshi said...

Don't feel left out, I know many many people who have no interest in chocolate at all. they dislike it for some reason. I cannot fathom why, but it's true.

Anonymous said...

Lately, I've been having a hard time finding something to satisfy my junkfood tooth. Nothing seem to please me right now. Not even chocolate. We both better go see Dr Baby Ruth.