Apparently she digs my style of bloggery ;) Also, as she said- we have this soulful bond because of the similarities of our egg donors (read as crazy biotches for mothers, pardon my Francais!).
I'll skip the part where I deny my worthiness, and I'll skip the usual self-deprecation and just say thanks! Thanks Slackermommy! I'm glad to know you and to call you friend, and I am pleased as punch that you think I Rock! :D
Now it is my job, my task to award this to 5 other bloggers. I'm thinking the blogging dudes I know probably wouldn't appreciate me giving them this award because of the hot pinkness, and it having the word girl on it, so that narrows down my list of potential award'ees from 30 to about 27. Sheesh! This is always so hard, and in this particular situation... I know a lot of really cool Rockin' Girls.
The other problem is that since I run in at least 2 distinct blogging circles, I am bound to give the award to gals that my other award'ees will want to award. Does that makes sense?
Gah, well- Here I go. I say if you are awarded more than once, the more the merrier right?
I cannot, however, just narrow it down to 5. here are the lovely ladies that i wish to present this award to, in no particular order... I heart all of equally. :D
Not So Anonymous Michelle is a blogger that I recently had the great fortune to meet. Michelle and I have a lot in common, including each of us having an ankle biter named Emma Rose, and I can't imagine not having Michelle in my life... we are a great support to each other. We only live a state away and i can see us getting together sometime soon!
Holly is one of those people who is just so kind and generous... no matter how distasteful you behavior might be. And,yes when I say you, I mean me. Holly can see the good in almost anyone and any situation, is she will be the first to point out that every moment has a potential to teach us something. When I think of Holly, I think of Grace or Audrey. :)
Maggie always has me in stitches because she can always see the humor in things. Maggie was one of the first people to give me an award, and she likes me because I'm not sappy... supposedly. She just gets me and my weird sense of humor. For those reasons alone she deserves this award, but also I really enjoy Maggie's writing style. Plus she's a soul sista.
Crse... What can I tell you about crse? She is a very kind, loving and supportive person. And she is a self proclaimed dork! Life is never dull at the Casa D'Zamphir, and I can honestly say that without a doubt crse gets every single on of my idio(t)syncrasies, neurotic tendencies, egg donor dilemmas and general dorkiness. Snurgles!
Ash is someone I found through crse. I heart Ash. She's not afraid to put it all out there and "sock it to ya". Ash and I have more in common than either of us think, including our first born chil'rens, kittehs that like to share their "manly stink", loads of sarcasm and general egg donor angst. Ash, I dig your writing style, don't ever change. Squee!
Kailani is my first true blogging friend I don't mind telling ya. She was also the first to pimp my blog, on more than one occasion. There was a time when I almost thought I lost her, when she had to disappear from the blogosphere. That was the longest week ever! Kailani is always open and honest and to be honest, just always positive and gracious- even when she is writing about something really annoying.
Jen is another fellow dorkess, and is the creator of Dork Bloggers and is another chiqua that just plain gets me. I love reading her blog because you just never know what you are going to find next... but it's usually hilarious! Jen is another blogger I am proud to call soul sista :D
Virginia...Sarcasm- you know I loves me some! Virginia is just an all around awesome person, and she tell a story! Her tales of Walmart woes always has me in tears. I can't ever have enough of the Virginia Monologues. :D
Jenny Ryan is one of the smartest AND funniest bloggers I know. Jenny continues to surprise me and making me laugh, every single post she writes. And she likes me despite my obvious deviations from proper grammar and sometimes speeling. <---- Just like this one ;)
Pippajo is yet another lovely lady that is the the whole she-bang. She's got a real writing style that gets to the meat of any topic. She hilarious, charming and warm , all wrapped into one. You're just yummy Pippa! The cherry on top? You guessed it, a fellow grand dork at Dork Bloggers.
Karmyn once again... One of my first true blogging friends. Karmyn is gracious and kind, yet gives her opinion openly and freely. Karmyn doesn't hold anything back and her blog is like coming home. I know, corny much? But so true- Karmyn you are funny and smart, and just a love! Thanks for being such a positive influence in the blogosphere :D
So there you have it! All the women that I think are Rockin' Girl Bloggers. :D Stick a fork in me , I'm done
I am sooo flattergasted ! I can't believe you like my blogorrhea !
THANK YOU DAWG your the Sugar Honey Iced Tea!!!!
I heart you too! Hope you don't mind me hijacking "egg donor". It's just so fitting.
Congratulations! You definitely deserve it.
Oh goodness, you just had to link to THAT post! LOL! It really brought out the trolls!
Thank you for the honor!
Nice blog, I'm so happy to see this getting around so much...that rocks! :)
Nice one Bizitch! Now I have to find people to tag and you took all of mine! Damn, I am so lost! it's like asking my mother for directions to anything!
I heart you too!
How cool! :) My 1st award ever! (wipes tear)...thank you so much!!
Me heart you long time! And congrats on your award, too!
Awww!! Thank you Thank you! :) I can't imagine my life without you either AND I think you're right that we're going to end up meeting sometime soon...I mean both of those things completely without meaning to sound like an obsessed stalker person!! haha
WOW - THANKS! I'm blushing. YOU ROCK! (duh)
Hear'n ya right back! That was such a fun surprise to wake up to. Now I've got to get busy! LOL
And get my dork on because that was supposed to be heart'n ya right back not hear'n ya....yeah it's early...LOL
so cool congradulations!
you rock;)
You rock, girl!
Thanks so much!! I'm so honored :)
And, sorry it took me 10,000 years to respond-apparently I'm on r-e-a-l-l-y slow Summer Time :P
And another 10,000 years later, I've actually "claimed my prize" and nominated my own Rockin' Girl Bloggers.
Thanks again! :)
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