Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wordless Wednesday- 10 years ago, meeting my sis for the first time:D


Sandee said...

Yep, you two look like peas in a pod. Thanks for sharing your family with us. Have a great WW. :)

Anonymous said...

Those are great pictures!

Catherine said...

What a beautiful family! Thank you for sharing this today!

Lots of hugs, sweetie!

Judy said...

Thanks for the pictures. I can't believe the resemblance! Can't deny that sister.

Not So Anonymous Michelle said...

Great pictures, you certainly can tell you two are sisters!! hehe

Anonymous said...

I am touched by your story. I hope and pray that your sister and you will unite one fine day.

Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Uh ... if it's Wordless Wednesday am Ii allowed too say something here? Great pics!

Anonymous said...

Wow Mary you guys sure do look like sisters.
I loved the pictures.
Anti Yvonne

Anonymous said...

you guys look fantastic.. and im totally jelous of that carpet.. it's so clean and pretty!!

Anonymous said...

Hye, you and your sister have the same smile!

ChrisB said...

The family resemblance is there. Thank you for sharing these family pictures.

Slackermommy said...

So sweet! Can't deny a family resemblance.

Anonymous said...

Very cute! :) Thanks for sharing those pics! Have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you! I don't know what I'd do without my sister.

Marci said...

You know Sis... we do look a like. We are both B-E-A-U-TIFUL!!!!!
I love you so much and look forward to each time we message one another. I'll call you soon!!!
Your sis,