I'm not quite sure how outstanding I have been lately, but one thing is for sure when you read my blog... I am consistently inconsistent. Ya never know exactly WHAT you are going to find when you load my page.
I think I'm kind of like playing the lottery. With me, sometimes you get back what you put in- and maybe sometimes, just sometimes a little extra; and other times you may walk away, shaking your head in disappointment.
One positive thing I can say about myself is that at least I always real. Sometimes a little too real. :P But then again, that's why some of you guys love me... and then you go and give me an award.
So Holly, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for adding me to this list of Outstanding Women Bloggers. I will be writing a separate post with the list so stay tuned. ;)
Also, I was quite flabbergasted to find that another very lovely lady even still read my blog! This sweet soul even participated in my short lived quasi-meme, Sound Byte Saturday. Just a week ago I ranted and raved about my situation with the MIL, and despite all of that Hopeful Spirit left me a comment saying that she awarded me with this blog bling on the 26th:
I have to say that I have had a lot of people say a lot of nice things about me over this last year and a half, but Hopeful really wrote an amazing post about the several bloggers she was giving awards to. Hopeful admitted that though I tend to ramble at times, and the fact that sometimes my posts about my childhood are almost to much to bear... She thinks I am courageous. *blush*
Thanks Hopeful! You really are a Hopeful Spirit because you see me as the diamond -or least cubic zirconia - in the rough that I am.
Quoted from the creator's site ( Christy from Writer's Reviews):
Award Rules
1) If you have received an award simply choose either the dark or light background image and save it to your files, then post it proudly on your blog!
2) Pass the award on to five other people, you can choose any of the awards from the series, you do not have to pass out the exact award you received. Choose whichever of the awards below that you'd like to give out. You can give out one of each or five of the same one, whatever you prefer.
3) You can change the size and color of awards to suit your blog, that's up to you, it's your blog, just leave the titles the same.
4) Please link back to this post so that people can read these rules and so that the meanings of the awards will not be lost.
5) If you feel that you or a friend are deserving of an award and no one has given one to you yet then email me at sayhitochristy(at)hotmail.com and tell me about your website.
For those bloggers who inspire others through their words and actions. With a positive attitude, and an uplifting spirit these bloggers make the blogosphere a better place, and encourage others to do the same. This award is for bloggers who rise up to set an example but continue to reach out and support others.
Holly has a way of expressing herself in the most elegant ways, but also is very upbeat and positive. Holly is my sunny spot in the blogosphere... and when I am feeling blue she always has something on her blog that puts life in perspective.
Kelly (Pass the Torch)-Kelly is another blogger who is truly inspirational in everything she does, and even though she will be the first to admit that life doesn't always go as planned, I never ever get the feeling that she is willing to give up. EVER :D Kelly, I admire ( and sometimes envy- in a good way) your conviction, drive and determination.
For those who answer blog comments, emails, and make their visitors feel at home on their blogs. For the people who take others feelings into consideration before speaking out and who are kind and courteous. Also for all of those bloggers who spend so much of their time helping others bloggers design, improve, and fix their sites. This award is for those generous bloggers who think of others.
Kailani... what can I tell you about Kailani that most of you don't already know? I can truly say that if it weren't for her relentless pimpin' of my blog that I probably wouldn't have gotten very far. I am very fortunate to have met her, and I don't tell her enough how thankful I am. I know that she has given many a budding blogger a helping hand out of blogosphere solitude. Kailani, thanks for encouraging others to keep going , even when we think our creative juices are gone.
For those who bring unique and creative elements to their blogs. For those who incorporate art, music, creative writing, photo's, and other beautiful visual effects into their website. For those who put a unique spin on things and come up with new ideas. This award is for the artsy, the funky, the inventor, and even the rebel. This award is for those creative individuals who stand out from the crowd.
Michelle is just a joy, I don't know how else to say it. She is by far one of the sweetest people I have met while blogging. What I also love about her is that she always has some fun, new and cool gadget on her blog... and she is always coming up with cute new ways to display pictures of her cutie, Emma.
For those bloggers who are battling or have battled with physical and mental illness, those who are survivors of abuse, poverty, or who have overcome other challenges in life. Those who serve in the military or work/volunteer in dangerous situations in order to provide a service or to help others. This award is for the strong, the brave, and the courageous.
Slackermommy probably thought I was some weird stalker when I first found her blog through The Knut Hut. Immediately I acted as if I was a starstruck fan, gushing about how much I loved reading her blog. I really am still star struck, and I gush on occasion... but now she knows I'm not quite as weird as she originally thought. I hope. ;) I really identified with her posts, but what's more... she just rocks. She is very candid about life in her neck of the (crazy egg donor riddled) woods and we have commiserated on many occasions.
OK, I think I have milked this post out long enough... I've been working on it for a week already. Ladies, enjoy your awards... you're Truly Scrumptious and I adore you all. :D
Oh please . . . you would have been famous even without me. *wink* However, I really do appreciate the award. It's friends like you that make blogging worth it!
Awwwww THANKS! What a fun thing to read today. I'm now visualizing myself as a "sunny spot" :)
Congrats on your awards! You deserve them.
Hey sis,
You are an outstanding and wonderful woman. You are kind and warm, funny and somewhat of a dork (from one dork to another) and I wanted to say congrats on your awards.
Love you bunches,
Why not come over and pay me a visit. I cleaned up the joint. :)
Aww thank you!!! I am so honored! :) I appreciate the award and will display it proudly! I will have to do nominations too. :)
WOW, it's an award extravaganza!
Its good to spread the love. :)
Jane, P&B Girls
Mary - you don't know how much your kind words bring me joy! Thank you so much for appreciating the heart and soul I bare to the world. There's always a risk in doing that - but your recognition shows why it's the right thing.
Thank you, Mary! I heart you too!
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